Sunday, July 8, 2012

This past Friday, I ended up at the Danforth Music Hall for Purity Ring and Dirty Projectors.
Purity Ring is what I fancy Tom Lowery and I would be like if we were to pursue forming a [real] band -- weird and dream-like (complete with grotesque, anatomical lyricism with a cutesy spin -- haha, what?):

Seeing Dirty Projectors live made me all nostalgic and sad-like (but not really, Melody and I were actually quite giggly but that's a whole other story). Nostalgia did hit me inside, though; it "cut open my sternum and pull(ed) my little ribs around," kinda.

"Bitte Orca" oddly served as the go-to soundtrack for afternoon teas in Oxford. Very atypical, but things that don't usually seem right or proper end up being so apt sometimes. Life is funny that way.
This is how my Oxford kitchen looked like in the afternoons -- with Marie as a permanent staple. (I could lie and say the minimalist look was deliberate but you'd see right through it, anyway.)

Today happens to be Marie's birthday (whose back I've photographed too many a time), prompting the following nostalgia/mush-fueled photo-purge.
walking back to Worcester after the usual afternoon jaunt around Oxford (not without getting dinner at Jericho first, obviously)


Rough Trade photo booth


Happy Sunday!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

daydream delusion

Whenever I feel like I am in a rut of some sort, this poem usually takes me out of it:

Thursday, July 5, 2012

(would have been) summer staples

summer staples

summer staples by garbledupwords featuring ray ban shades

With the passing of seasons, it's difficult to ignore wardrobe planning. I made this set in spring on the cusp of summer -- when it seemed like it was going to be 25 degrees every day. Hence, the long-sleeved Marc by Marc silk blouse. Unfortunately, things don't always turn out the way you imagine. I finally tried on said blouse after months of thinking about it, but the sizing was off. Something is always off.
I've looked for mariniere shorts similar to the above, but the search also turned out futile. As for the ChloĆ© flats, I haven't quite committed to them. They are lovely, but I don't really need to have them. On the other hand, the Wang "Diego" bag is something I've coveted (secretly, at first) for months.
And now, it is mine -- eep!

Monday, July 2, 2012

more NXNE '12 photos...

The Dead Ships at the Static Launch

from Of A Kind

at the El Mo

Army Girls

Zulu Winter at The Rivoli

Zulu Winter at Urban Outfitters

Remember when I tried to photograph musicians' footwear and said something about the guys from Zulu Winter all having shoes with a lot of character?
The English weather isn't very kind to shoes. I can vouch for that, for sure. Will's kicks above almost resemble my trusty oxfords from Oxford (which I might end up featuring on this here blog, maybe).

Here's Morgan photographing the band in an alley. (Photos of polaroids here.)
DIIV being filmed:

The final product; see if you can spot me:

Urban Outfitters x NXNE: Live @ UO part II from Sean L T Cartwright on Vimeo.

David's mismatched socks at Dundas Square